Terms and Conditions
Web Terms of Use
The information system is operated by Hypomo, s.r.o. Nivy 5 821 09 IČO: 50 803 514, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I., Section: Sro, vl. No: 118523 / B (hereinafter referred to as "the Operator").
All information on this web portal is provided in the best knowledge and conscience of the Operator. The Operator is not liable for any material or intangible damages incurred in connection with the use or misuse of information published on this web portal. The operator is also not responsible for any damage or damage to the virus when downloading data from the website. The site operator is not liable for any inaccuracies or errors in the content of the published information and is not liable for any damages caused by the use of this information. Any use of the information is entirely at the discretion and responsibility of the user.
The content of this site is protected by law no. 618/2003 Coll. on copyright and related rights (Copyright Act) and international conventions. Any use of this site or any part thereof without the permission of the author of the work is only permitted by law.
The purpose of processing personal data is to provide financial mediation according to Act no. 186/2009 Coll. on Financial Intermediation and Financial Advisory and on Amendments to Certain Acts (hereinafter referred to as the “Act on Financial Intermediation”), in particular:· Making general offers and comparing financial products according to your requirements,
· Submission of tenders for the conclusion of a financial service contract· Providing professional assistance to the client for the purpose of concluding, changing or terminating a financial service contract,· Cooperation in contract management,· Cooperation in handling the client's claims under the contract.The data subject grants his / her voluntary consent to the processing of his / her personal data by entering them into the web portal information system pursuant to Act no. 122/2013 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amendments to certain acts, as amended (the “Personal Data Protection Act”).
For the purpose of conducting financial intermediation or financial advice, for the purpose of identifying a client or client representative as a data subject, for the purpose of verifying such identification, for protecting and asserting financial agent rights against clients, for documenting activity, for supervising and performing tasks and duties of the financial agent pursuant to this Act on Financial Intermediation, the Operator is authorized to acquire, record, store, use and otherwise process personal data to the extent pursuant to paragraph 1 Section 31 of the Act on Financial Intermediation and to obtain personal data of the client or client representative by copying, scanning or otherwise recording identity documents to the extent necessary for the purpose of processing.The personal data specified in the financial intermediation agreement or in the financial service contract may be provided to the Operator by financial institutions and companies for which the operator performs financial intermediation under financial intermediation contracts and to entities to which the Operator is obliged to provide relevant data to the extent established by applicable law.
The data subject has the right to request from the Operator upon written request(a) confirmation whether or not personal data are processed;(b) in a generally comprehensible form, information on the processing of personal data in the information system to the extent pursuant to Section 15, Par. 1, par. a) to e) second to sixth point of the Personal Data Protection Act,(c) in a generally understandable form, accurate information on the source from which it obtained its personal data for processing;(d) in a generally understandable form, a list of its personal data which are subject to processing;(e) correction or destruction of his / her incorrect, incomplete or outdated personal data subject to processing;(f) the destruction of its personal data whose processing has ended; where official documents containing personal data are subject to processing, they may request their return,(g) liquidation of its personal data, which are subject to processing if the law has been violated,(h) blocking its personal data for withdrawal of consent prior to the expiry of its period of validity, if the controller processes personal data with the consent of the data subject.
Right to change pages
The operator reserves the right to modify or change the content of this web portal and the information on it without prior notice.
INFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE CLIENT BEFORE THE CONTRACT ON THE FINANCIAL SERVICE IS PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAW NO. 186/2009 Z.z. on financial intermediation and financial advice and on amendments to certain acts.
1. Business name, registered office and legal form of an independent financial agent:Hypomo, s.r.o. with its registered office at Nivy Tower, Mlynské nivy 5, 821 09 Bratislava, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I, Sec. Ltd., insert no. 118523 / B, IČO: 50 803 514 in accordance with Act No. 186/2009 Coll. on financial intermediation and financial advice and on amendments to certain acts. An independent financial agent is a limited liability company.
2. Identification of the list in the relevant sub-register pursuant to Section 13 of Act no. 186/2009 Z.z. on financial intermediation and financial advice and on amendments to certain acts:
Hypomo, s.r.o. is an independent financial agent duly registered in the Register of Independent Financial Agents in the Register of Financial Agents, Financial Advisors, Financial Intermediaries from another Member State in the field of housing loans under registration number 231967. He is authorized to carry out financial intermediation in consumer loans. Hypomo, s.r.o. As an independent financial agent, it carries out financial intermediation through subordinate financial agents registered by the National Bank of Slovakia in the Register of Financial Agents, Financial Advisors, Financial Intermediaries from another Member State in the field of housing loans (hereinafter referred to as the "Register").
The registration of a single or subordinate financial agent in the Registry can be verified at the website www.nbs.sk.
3. Information on the implementation of financial intermediation:Hypomo, s.r.o. carries out financial intermediation on the basis of a written contract with several financial institutions, these contracts being not exclusive in nature. The financial agent always informs the business names of those financial institutions with which he/she has concluded contracts when meeting with a potential client/client and issuing a record of the meeting with a client. for which it provides financial mediation. The subordinate financial agent carries out financial intermediation on the basis of a written contract with Hypomo, s.r.o. At the same time, a subordinate financial agent may have a written contract with no more than one separate financial agent.
4. Qualified participation of a financial agent in the capital or voting rights of the person with whom the financial agent has a contract under which it carries out financial intermediation:Hypomo, s.r.o. it shall not have a qualifying holding in the capital or in the voting rights of the financial institution with which it has concluded a contract for the performance of financial intermediation. Hypomo, s.r.o. is unaware that its subordinate financial agent would have a qualifying holding in the capital or in the voting rights of the financial institution with which Hypomo, s.r.o. concluded contract on the implementation of financial intermediation.
5. Qualified participation in the capital or voting rights of a financial intermediary of a person with whom a financial agent has concluded a contract under which it carries out financial intermediation, or of a person controlling that person:Neither the financial institution nor the persons controlling that financial institution with whom Hypomo, s.r.o. the contract concluded under which it carries out financial intermediation does not have a qualifying holding in the registered capital or in the voting rights of Hypomo, s.r.o .. Hypomo, s.r.o. it is not aware that a financial institution or persons controlling that financial institution would have a qualifying holding in the capital or in the voting rights of its subordinate financial agent if it is a legal person.
6. Complaints procedure for financial mediation and special rules governing the out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from financial mediation:The Client may file a complaint about the activity of a financial agent in carrying out financial intermediation in writing to Hypomo, s.r.o. or by email to info@hypomo.com.
The financial agent is obliged to handle the complaint within 30 days from the date of its delivery and within this period it is obliged to inform the client in writing about the way of handling the complaint. In justified cases, the time limit may be extended to a maximum of 60 days from the date of receipt of the complaint, and the complainant shall be informed of the reasons for the extension of the period to 60 days within 30 days of the date of receipt of the complaint.
Other rights and obligations in handling complaints are governed by the Complaints Procedure. The Complaint Procedure Rules are published and available in writing at the Company's registered office and at www.hypomo.com.
Special regulations governing out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from financial mediation are Act No. 420/2004 Coll. on Mediation and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended.
7. Amount of current payments, amount of fees and amount of any payments other than current payments for an intermediate financial service:The amount of the fees and the amount of any payments other than current payments for the financial service, together with information on any such payment, shall be notified to the Client when the Minutes of the Meeting with the Client are issued. Otherwise, this information is part of, in particular, the price list of charges and other costs related to the financial intermediation published by the relevant financial institution providing the financial service to the client. Also, in the case of housing credit intermediation, the client will be informed of the amount of the fee and other costs that he will be required to pay for the mediated financial service or how the fee and other costs related to the mediated financial service will be calculated ( other costs cannot be determined) in good time before carrying out any credit intermediation activities.
8. Information on the costs of financial intermediation:
In relation to the mediation of the conclusion of a financial service contract, the independent financial agent receives cash payments from the financial institution. A subordinate financial agent is the remuneration for the provision of a financial service contract provided to independent financial agents in the form of cash in accordance with the applicable remuneration conditions under the "Career Plan and Commission Rules". in particular from the nature of the concluded financial service contract, the amount of the client's payments, the frequency of the client's payments, the period of payment of the client under the mediated financial service contract, and possibly from legal restrictions. the financial agent does not have mechanisms in place in the form of rewards, sales targets or other instruments that can be an incentive for the financial agent to recommend a financial product to clients if they can The client has the right to request from the financial agent information on the amount of remuneration for mediating the conclusion of a contract for the provision of a financial service. Upon his inquiry, the financial agent is obliged to inform him unambiguously, exhaustively, accurately and comprehensibly.
In the case of intermediation of housing loans, the client will be informed of the amount of monetary or non-monetary benefits to be paid by the creditor (financial institution) or third parties to Hypomo, s.r.o. (financial agent) for services related to a home loan contract; if the amount of cash or non-cash performance is not known at the time of notification, the actual amount of cash or non-cash performance will be reported at a later stage to the extent of the information in the European Standardized Information Form (ESIS). The Client has the right to be informed, in good time before any housing loan brokerage activities based on his written request, to be informed of the differences in the percentages of cash payments received by Hypomo, s.r.o. for carrying out financial intermediation from one or more creditors
9. Instruction for the client on the processing of his / her personal data according to the provision of § 15 par. 1 of Act no. 18 / 2018Z.z. on the protection of personal data and on amendments to certain laws ("GDPR"):
The financial agent is authorized to obtain the client's personal data on the basis of the authorization to obtain personal data and other information from the client and from the client's representative pursuant to Act no. 186/2009 Z.z. on Financial Intermediation and Financial Advisory Services and on Amendments to Certain Acts and on the basis of Act no. 566/2001 Z.z. on Securities and Investment Services and on Amendments to Certain Acts (Securities Act).
Furthermore, the Client agrees that his / her personal data will be processed by the Operator, any Operator's employee and any Operator's contractual partner. This consent is granted for an indefinite period. Such consent shall be free and shall be a manifestation of the will of the data subject, the content of which is the data subject's permission to process personal data.
The purpose of processing of personal data, which I provide for this consent, is the use of personal data for: sending business offers of the operator, marketing purposes, providing personal data to third parties, including personal data in the database, making personal data available to third parties.
If the Client fails to provide the Financial Agent with personal information to the extent that the Financial Agent has requested, the Client will not be provided with financial intermediation. For the purpose of conducting financial intermediation, for the purpose of identifying a client or client representative, for the purpose of verifying such identification, for protecting and claiming financial agent rights against clients, for documenting activity, for supervisory purposes, for exchanging information concerning financial intermediation services between the independent financial agent and its subordinate financial agent and for the fulfillment of the tasks and duties of the financial agent pursuant to Act No. 186/2009 Coll. especially for the purpose of entering into, executing and ex-post control of transactions with clients in the capital market sector, or for the purposes of special regulations, the financial agent is authorized to acquire, record, store, use and otherwise process personal data and other client data to the extent . 1 and §35 par. 1 of Act no. 186/2009 Z.z. and to the extent of ust. Section 73a (1) of Act No. 566/2001 Coll. In the capital market sector, in particular:
(a) personal data to the extent of name, surname, permanent address, temporary residence address, personal identification number, if any, date of birth, nationality, type and identity document number if it is a natural person, including a natural person representing a legal person;
10. Information on the costs of financial intermediation:
In relation to the mediation of the conclusion of a financial service contract, the independent financial agent receives cash payments from the financial institution. A subordinate financial agent is the remuneration for the provision of a financial service contract provided to independent financial agents in the form of cash in accordance with the applicable remuneration conditions under the "Career Plan and Commission Rules". in particular from the nature of the concluded financial service contract, the amount of the client's payments, the frequency of the client's payments, the period of payment of the client under the mediated financial service contract, and possibly from legal restrictions. the financial agent does not have mechanisms in place in the form of rewards, sales targets or other instruments that can be an incentive for the financial agent to recommend a financial product to clients if they can The client has the right to request from the financial agent information on the amount of remuneration for mediating the conclusion of a contract for the provision of a financial service. Upon his inquiry, the financial agent is obliged to inform him unambiguously, exhaustively, accurately and comprehensibly.
In the case of intermediation of housing loans, the client will be informed of the amount of monetary or non-monetary benefits to be paid by the creditor (financial institution) or third parties to Hypomo, s.r.o. (financial agent) for services related to a home loan contract; if the amount of cash or non-cash performance is not known at the time of notification, the actual amount of cash or non-cash performance will be reported at a later stage to the extent of the information in the European Standardized Information Form (ESIS). The Client has the right to be informed, in good time before any housing loan brokerage activities based on his written request, to be informed of the differences in the percentages of cash payments received by Hypomo, s.r.o. for carrying out financial intermediation from one or more creditors
11. Instruction for the client on the processing of his / her personal data according to the provision of § 15 par. 1 of Act no. 18 / 2018Z.z. on the protection of personal data and on amendments to certain laws ("GDPR"):
The financial agent is authorised to obtain the client's personal data on the basis of the authorisation to obtain personal data and other information from the client and from the client's representative pursuant to Act no. 186/2009 Z.z. on Financial Intermediation and Financial Advisory Services and on Amendments to Certain Acts and on the basis of Act no. 566/2001 Z.z. on Securities and Investment Services and on Amendments to Certain Acts (Securities Act).
Furthermore, the Client agrees that his / her personal data will be processed by the Operator, any Operator's employee and any Operator's contractual partner. This consent is granted for an indefinite period. Such consent shall be free and shall be a manifestation of the will of the data subject, the content of which is the data subject's permission to process personal data.
The purpose of processing of personal data, which I provide for this consent, is the use of personal data for: sending business offers of the operator, marketing purposes, providing personal data to third parties, including personal data in the database, making personal data available to third parties.
If the Client fails to provide the Financial Agent with personal information to the extent that the Financial Agent has requested, the Client will not be provided with financial intermediation. For the purpose of conducting financial intermediation, for the purpose of identifying a client or client representative, for the purpose of verifying such identification, for protecting and claiming financial agent rights against clients, for documenting activity, for supervisory purposes, for exchanging information concerning financial intermediation services between the independent financial agent and its subordinate financial agent and for the fulfilment of the tasks and duties of the financial agent pursuant to Act No. 186/2009 Coll. especially for the purpose of entering into, executing and ex-post control of transactions with clients in the capital market sector, or for the purposes of special regulations, the financial agent is authorised to acquire, record, store, use and otherwise process personal data and other client data to the extent . 1 and §35 par. 1 of Act no. 186/2009 Z.z. and to the extent of ust. Section 73a (1) of Act No. 566/2001 Coll. In the capital market sector, in particular:
(a) personal data to the extent of name, surname, permanent address, temporary residence address, personal identification number, if any, date of birth, nationality, type and identity document number if it is a natural person, including a natural person representing a legal person; in the case of a natural person who is an entrepreneur, the address of the place of business, identification of the register or other register in which the entrepreneur is registered and the number of entry in the register or register,
(b) identification data to the extent of name, identification number, if any, registered office address, business or organisational units location and other address of the place of business, list of members of the statutory body of that legal person and details thereof in the scope under (a); or any other registration in which that legal person is registered and the number of entry in that register or registration, if it is a legal person,
(c) the contact telephone number, fax number and e-mail address, if any;
(d) documents and data proving the entitlement to representation in respect of a representative and fulfilment of other requirements and conditions laid down by Act No 186/2009 Coll. or by special regulations relating to the performance of financial intermediation or agreed with the financial agent or which are laid down by Act No. 566/2001 Coll., Or agreed with a financial institution,
Personal data from identity document in the form of figurative portrait, title, name, surname, maiden name, social security number, date of birth, place and district of birth, permanent residence, temporary residence address, nationality, record of limitation of legal capacity, type and identity document number, issuing authority, date of issue and validity of the identity document, and other data from the documents proving the data referred to in point (a); (b) to (d), the financial agent shall be entitled to obtain from the prospective client / client or their representative by copying, scanning or otherwise recording without the consent of the person concerned.
Data, the financial agent is authorised to make available and provide for processing to other persons in cases stipulated by Act No. 186/2009 Coll. Or a special regulation and the National Bank of Slovakia for the purpose of performing supervision pursuant to this Act and special regulations. The financial agent is authorised to make data available from his information system and to provide only to persons and authorities to whom they are obliged to provide information protected under special regulations. Where data are provided to a financial agent, this shall be deemed to comply with information obligations to the financial institution under separate regulations.
The Client has the right on the basis of a written request delivered by Hypomo, s.r.o. require in particular:
- confirmation whether or not personal data are processed,
- in a generally comprehensible form, information about the source from which it obtained its personal data for processing,
- in a generally understandable form, a list of his personal data which are subject to processing,
- correction or destruction of their incorrect, incomplete or outdated personal data subject to processing
- the destruction of their personal data whose processing has ended; where official documents containing personal data are subject to processing, they may request their return,
- the destruction of his / her personal data which are subject to processing if the Personal Data Protection Act has been violated,
- blocking of his / her personal data for withdrawal of consent before expiry of its validity.
The client exercises his rights towards Hypomo, s.r.o.
(a) in writing to the registered office of Hypomo, s.r.o. in this case the application shall be deemed to have been filed under the Data Protection Act; the Client shall deliver the request submitted by e-mail or fax no later than three days after the date of its sending,
(b) personally, at the registered office of Hypomo, s.r.o., in an oral form, from which it must be clear who has exercised the right, what is sought and when and who drew up the minutes, his signature and the signature of the client; a copy of the minutes is Hypomo, s.r.o. obliged to hand over to the client,
(c) in the case of an intermediary under subparagraph (a) or subparagraph (b), the latter shall be obliged to transmit this request or minutes to the operator without undue delay. The client has the right to ask for proof of identity of a subordinate financial agent acting on behalf of Hypomo, s.r.o. and gets his personal information. The client, on the basis of a free written request or personally, if the matter does not delay, has the right to object to the processing of personal data for other purposes than those specified in Act no. 186/2009 Coll. in Act no. 566/2001 Z.z.
If the client suspects that his / her personal data are being processed unauthorized, he/she may file a petition to initiate proceedings on the protection of personal data at the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic. If the client does not live, his / her rights under the Privacy Act can be exercised by a close person. Other rights of the client are specified in Section 28 of the Personal Data Protection Act.
The operator of the information system, in which the client's personal data are processed, is an independent financial agent, Hypomo, s.r.o., with its registered office at Nivy Tower, Mlynské nivy 5, 821 09 Bratislava, registered in the Commercial Register of the District Court Bratislava I. Ltd., insert no. 118523 / B, IČO: 50 803 514. The provisions of this Article shall also apply to a potential client or a representative of a potential client if that person has expressed an interest in financial mediation.
12. Information on the legal consequences of the conclusion of a financial service contract and on the means and system of protection against failure of a financial institution:Upon the entry into force of a financial service contract, mutual rights and obligations arise between the client and the financial institution under the financial service contract and the relevant general terms and conditions. The contract for the provision of the financial service and the business terms and conditions regulate the rights and obligations of the contracting parties, of which it may be one of the most important obligations of the client - the obligation to financial performance during the agreed period. During the term of the contractual relationship, the client and the financial institution may agree to change the contractual terms and conditions. Unilateral adjustment of the terms and conditions, particularly in the form of a change in the terms and conditions to the detriment of the client, is usually not possible but not excluded, so we recommend monitoring the websites of financial institutions that provide the client with financial services to monitor changes, in particular. In the terms and conditions agreed with the financial institution, we recommend paying due attention, in particular, to the client's failure to fulfill its financial obligations under the financial service contract and to the early termination of the financial service contract, which may result in sanctions against the client fulfillment. There is no legal entitlement to a financial service contract.
Credit and consumer credit sector.
The financial institution provides loans depending on the method of granting and using the loan and the person of the debtor in accordance with the provisions of § 497 et seq. Of the Commercial Code, Act no. 129/2010 Coll. on consumer loans and other housing loans, resp. of Act no. 90/2016 Z.z. on loans for house purchase, under the conditions agreed in the contract under the general conditions of the financial institution.
The legal consequences of entering into a contract are detailed in the contract for the provision of financial services between the client and the financial institution (in particular the loan contract). We recommend that you always follow the contract and the terms and conditions and comply with them strictly, so you can avoid unnecessary complications.
You have the right to withdraw from the credit agreement without giving any reason within 14 calendar days of the date of conclusion of the agreement or of delivery of the terms and conditions, if this day follows the date of conclusion of the agreement. If you decide to withdraw from the contract, you are obliged to send the withdrawal to the creditor in writing or in another durable medium available to the creditor at the latest on the last day of the period referred to in the previous sentence. You have the right at any time during the term of the credit agreement to repay, in whole or in part, the consumer credit before the agreed repayment term. If you decide to do so, you are obliged to pay interest and costs incurred only for the time period from the provision of the consumer loan to its repayment. In the event of early repayment of the credit, the amount of reimbursement may not exceed 1% of the amount of the repaid consumer credit if the period between repayment of the consumer credit before maturity and the agreed end date of the credit agreement exceeds one year. If this period does not exceed one year, the amount of such compensation may not exceed 0,5% of the amount of the repaid consumer credit before the due date. Pursuant to § 569 par. Of the Civil Code, you have the right to ask the creditor for a written confirmation that the debt has been fully paid. Upon your written request, the creditor is obliged to provide written confirmation that the debt has been fully or partially repaid.
In the lending and consumer credit sector, the financial institution's failure protection system is ensured by:
(a) supervision by the National Bank of Slovakia, which may, to some extent, prevent a possible failure of a financial institution, as well as(b) each consumer credit provider is obliged to be registered in the register of creditors providing consumer credit, which is maintained by the National Bank of Slovakia.(c) the statutory duties of the Bank in organisation and management and business requirements pursuant to Act No. 483/2001 on Banks and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amendedThe legal consequences of concluding a home loan agreement are set out directly in the home loan agreement, in the general terms and conditions, the amendment thereto and, where applicable, in the contractual provisions.
The creditor (financial institution) is obliged to allow the prospective client within 14 calendar days to consider whether to conclude a home loan agreement or to use the right of withdrawal from a home loan agreement without giving any reason. If a prospective client makes use of the reflection period before concluding a home loan agreement, he loses the right of withdrawal from the home loan agreement. The Client shall be entitled to withdraw from the Housing Loan Agreement within 14 calendar days of the date of the conclusion of the Housing Loan Agreement or of the date on which the Potential Client receives the Housing Loan Agreement, including related documents, with the Lender (Financial Institution). this day follows the day of the conclusion of the home loan agreement or within 14 calendar days of the date on which the prospective client received the terms and conditions. The client shall send a notice of withdrawal from the home loan agreement to the creditor (financial institution) in writing. The withdrawal period shall be deemed to be complied with if the notice of withdrawal from the housing loan agreement has been submitted for postal transport no later than on the last day of the period in accordance with the procedure laid down in the housing loan agreement. If the client exercises the right of withdrawal from the home loan agreement, the client is obliged to pay the principal and interest from the day the home loan began to be used until the date of repayment of the principal, no later than 30 calendar days after sending. notice of withdrawal from the home loan agreement to the creditor. Interest shall be calculated on the basis of the agreed interest rate of the housing loan. If the lender or a third party has provided an ancillary service related to the home loan agreement under a contract between the third party and the lender, the ancillary service agreement shall also cease upon withdrawal from the home loan agreement.
In the housing lending sector, the system of protection against failure of a financial institution is also ensured by the supervision of the National Bank of Slovakia.
13. Other important information regarding the financial service contract:
A subordinate financial agent cannot collect or receive cash from a client.
The basic characteristics of individual types of financial services for a particular financial institution are specified in particular in the pre-sales and contractual documentation provided to the client by the financial institution.
14. Interpretation of certain terms:
Interpretation of terms used in the section “Client Information under Act No. 297/2008 Coll. on protection against money laundering and terrorist financing ":
1) Risky business activity: it is mainly (i) decisive influence (factual or legal) on the management or operation, resp. (ii) holding at least 25% or the possibility to exercise at least 25% of the voting rights, respectively; (iii) any income from the activity of an exchange office, casino, real estate company, auction house, gambling house, betting office, antique shop, pawnshop, construction company, bazaar, accommodation, erotic or catering company, alcohol, tobacco , precious metals, or metals2) Specific type of occupation: it is the performance of activities in municipal or national policy, the activity of a public official, resp. a profession in which funds from the European Union Funds are redistributed.3) Politically exposed person: he is(a) a natural person who is in a significant public office and does not have a permanent residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic for the period of his / her performance and for one year after the termination of the significant public office (significant public office means: , Minister, Head of Central Government, Secretary of State or equivalent Deputy Minister, Member of the Legislative Assembly, Judge of the Supreme Court, Judge of the Constitutional Court or other higher-level judicial bodies, except in special cases, Member of the Court of Auditors or board of the central bank, ambassador, chargé d'affaires, senior military, member of the governing body, supervisory board or supervisory body of a state-owned enterprise or a company owned by the state, or a person in another similar function in the institution European Union or international institutions).(b) the natural person who is(b1) the spouse, or a person having a status similar to that of the spouse, spouse of the person referred to in point (a); a)
(b2) the child, son-in-law, bride of the person referred to in point (a); (a) or a person in a position similar to the son-in-law or the bride of the person referred to in (a) (a) or
(b3) the parent of the person referred to in point (a); a).
(c) a natural person is known to be an end-user of benefits:(c1) the same client or otherwise controls the same client as the person referred to in (c); (a) or conducts business with the person referred to in (a); or (c2) a client established for the benefit of the person referred to in point (a).
4) The end user of the benefits of the realised trade:(a) the natural person in favour of whom the transaction is conducted; or(b) a natural person who effectively or legally controls a legal person - the client (in particular, has a direct or indirect holding or a total of at least 25% of the registered capital or voting rights in the legal person - the client; otherwise appoint or remove the statutory body, supervisory body or other management or control body of the legal entity - client or in any other way controls the client - legal entity).15. Client Information:
If the client does not trade in its own funds or in its own name or is not the end user of the benefits of the executed transaction, it shall truthfully state on the separate statement for the financial agent who owns the funds or on whose behalf
16. Other:
Amount of consideration in cash or in kind to be paid by the creditor (financial institution) or third party to Hypomo, s.r.o. (financial agent) for services related to the home loan agreement is set out in a separate table, which forms a separate attachment to this Information provided to the client prior to the conclusion of the financial service agreement16. Conclusion of a financial service contract (credit agreement) - information on the legal consequences:
The credit agreement obliges the creditor (financial institution) to provide funds to a certain amount at the request of the debtor (Client) and the debtor (Client) undertakes to return the provided funds and to pay interest. By entering into the loan agreement, the debtor (Client) becomes the debtor, with the obligation to repay the loan to the financial institutions in a due and timely manner.
Other important information regarding the financial service contract:
SPECIAL INFORMATION CONCERNING THE LOAN LOAN under Act No. 90/2016 Z.z. on housing loans:
Housing loan: This is the temporary provision of funds to creditors by the consumer under a housing loan contract in the form of a deferred payment, loan, credit or similar financial assistance, secured by a mortgage or other real estate law is intended to acquire title to a residential property on the basis of the acquisition or retention of title to a land or existing residential property, the construction of a residential property, regardless of the subject of the lien or other collateral; or intended for the purpose of paying out a housing loan
Types of housing loans: The housing loan is also a mortgage loan provided to the consumer and some building loans and others according to a special regulation
Obligations of the lender (i.e., the lending financial institution):
Inform the consumer (client), free of charge, before the conclusion of the credit agreement or even when it is changed, on the procedure for granting the home loan, the procedure for managing the home loan to check the consumer's ability to repay the home loan and provide information on the competent authorities supervising the financial institution) providing housing loans and information on the competences of consumer associations
Provide a home loan under the general terms and conditions for the provision of home loans
On the basis of an agreement between the financial institution and the Financial Agent, the obligations under § 5, § 8 para. 27, § 11, § 13 para. 10 and 11 and Art. 5 and 6 of Act no. 90/2016 Z.z. on housing loans is carried out directly by the creditor (financial institution).
The Client is entitled in writing to require the Financial Agent to provide him/her with information on the differences in the amounts of cash payments received by the Financial Agent for carrying out financial intermediation from one or more creditors.
Consumer credit is the temporary provision of funds on the basis of a credit agreement in the form of a loan, a loan, deferred payment or similar financial assistance provided by a creditor (financial institution) to a consumer (the Client).
• Withdrawal from the contract - the consumer is entitled to withdraw from the credit agreement without giving a reason within 14 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the credit agreement or from the day when the consumer receives the contractual terms according to § 9 or § 10 of the Act if following the date of conclusion of the credit agreement; the provisions of special rules on the right of withdrawal shall not apply. If the credit agreement does not contain the contractual terms under § 9 or § 10 of the Act, the period for withdrawal from the consumer credit contract starts from the moment when the consumer has received these terms and conditions.
• Termination - the consumer is entitled to terminate the credit agreement for an indefinite period at any time with immediate effect and free of charge, unless the parties have agreed on the notice period. That period shall not exceed one month.
Linked credit agreement in which a consumer credit is negotiated solely to finance a contract for the purchase of a specific good or a specific service, the two contracts forming a business unit
Termination of the contract: If the consumer has withdrawn from the contract for the purchase of goods or services and if the price of the goods or services is paid in whole or in part by the consumer credit under the contract, this contract also terminates
Penalties: The termination of this Agreement does not create the right of the creditor or third party to impose any sanctions against the consumer.
Early repayment: The consumer has the right at any time during the term of the credit agreement to repay the consumer credit in whole or in part before the agreed repayment term. In such a case, the consumer is obliged to pay interest and costs incurred only for the time period from the provision of the consumer credit to its repayment.
Information Obligations: The Lender (Financial Institution) or Financial Agent is obliged to provide the Consumer (Client) in good time before concluding the Consumer Credit Agreement or accepting the Consumer Credit Offer in accordance with the terms and conditions offered by the Lender or Consumer (Client) Requirements to the extent specified in Section 5 of the Act, which the Financial Agent submits to the client together with the offer of financial service.
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